Upgraded Cigar Lighter: Crafted from premium zinc alloy, this refillable butane lighter includes a built-in cigar punch, cigar stand, and utilizes electronic ignition. The windproof triple jet flame design ensures quick ignition for various uses. Suitable for lighting cigars, candles, fireplaces, or barbecues.
Electric Torch Lighter: This cigar lighter features innovative electronic ignition, making ignition with just one touch possible. Requires a fully charged battery and replenished butane fuel to ignite. Includes a USB charging cable and 4 LED lights indicating battery status.
Cigar Holder and Cigar Punch: This electronic cigar lighter doubles as a cigar stand and includes a built-in cigar punch with stainless steel construction for a precise cut.
Refillable Butane Lighter: Features a visible fuel window and refill port for easy refilling. The flame adjustment valve allows flame size customization.
Perfect Cigar Accessories Gift: Exquisitely designed for a vintage feel, compact and portable for lighting cigars. Ideal gift for various occasions.
After-sales Service: Contact us for any issues with purchased lighters and accessories.